Clad In her absolute, primordial nakedness
she is free from all covering of illusion. She is Nature
(Prakriti in Sanskrit), stripped of 'clothes'. It symbolizes
that she is completely beyond name and form, completely
beyond the illusory effects of maya (false consciousness).
Her nudity is said to represent totally illumined consciousness,
unaffected by maya. Kali is the bright fire of truth,
which cannot be hidden by the clothes of ignorance. Such
truth simply burns them away |
the Natural, "Spiritual", You, in a
Facebook type enviroment,with fully secure options
and Privacy sharring
Share the
amazingly Beautiful you, with Photo's and
Share with
your friends, and those you
Free Yourself from the Prison of Social Hypocrasy
There is also a "non
naked" section
for your Pictures or family Video clips!
Sharing your best photos with friends
and lovers is as easy as pressing a button
You can NOW
share all your beautiful pictures in a password protected
folder,,and you can change your password at any time,,,
"I have often wondered that people make such
a very big deal over either being naked, or seeing
another person naked. It's a little strange to me that
most people seem to think that seeing the natural state
of another member of their own species is somehow harmful,
immoral, wrong, perverted, or in some other way bad.
I've never had anybody actually explain to me why it
was harmful, but there seem to be a lot of people willing
to insist that it is. They even pass laws to protect
us from seeing another member of our own species in
a natural state"

Levinson says that because "the
Web for the last 10 years "years" has made more
nudity available," the culture is (finally) coming
to recognize that it isn't a mortal sin to take your clothes
off when there are cameras around. "We as a society
are finally growing up and it's a healthy thing,"

NOW 100% Privacy
Shy ? Ideas
for Self Censorship
"These pages are about freedom from pollution
past conditioning and brainwashing of the body mind and soul,
freedom from the expectations of 'others'. The freedom to
'just be' to dwell within.... without conflict"
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